Supervisory opportunity to observe moderates criterion‐related validity estimates

International Journal of Selection and Assessment(2019)

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AbstractSupervisors' opportunity to observe incumbents' performance (i.e., how often a supervisor typically sees an employee's performance) has been suggested to be important for accurate performance rating and to be a moderator of criterion‐related validity. Here we test these suggestions and present empirical evidence for the effects of opportunity to observe. In Study 1, supervisors in a multi‐occupation/organization criterion‐related validation study for a biodata measure indicated the opportunity they had to observe incumbents. The data were split according to different levels of opportunity to observe. Higher validities were found when opportunity to observe was maximal. In Study 2, this finding was replicated using a cognitive ability test. These results suggest that psychologists should consider measuring opportunity to observe in criterion‐related validity studies.
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Key words
supervisory opportunity,validity,moderates
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