Regioisomeric Family Of Novel Fluorescent Substrates For Ship2


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SHIP2 (SH2-domain containing inositol 5-phosphatase type 2) is a canonical 5-phosphatase, which, through its catalytic action on PtdInsP(3), regulates the PI3K/Akt pathway and metabolic action of insulin. It is a drug target, but there is limited evidence of inhibition of SHIP2 by small molecules in the literature. With the goal to investigate inhibition, we report a homologous family of synthetic, chromophoric benzene phosphate substrates of SHIP2 that display the headgroup regiochemical hallmarks of the physiological inositide substrates that have proved difficult to crystallize with 5-phosphatases. Using time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT), we explore the intrinsic fluorescence of these novel substrates and show how fluorescence can be used to assay enzyme activity. The TD-DFT approach promises to inform rational design of enhanced active site probes for the broadest family of inositide-binding/metabolizing proteins, while maintaining the regiochemical properties of bona of ide inositide substrates.
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Inositol phosphate,5-phosphatase,SHIP2,TD-DFT,fluorescence,HPLC,ligand
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