P2-246: neuronal changes and level of aif expression in hippocampus in model of chronic cerebral ischemia

Alzheimers & Dementia(2019)

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The cerebral atherosclerosis causes a chronic ischemia of a brain and hypoxemic damage of neurons. The hippocampus, in charge of formation of memory, cognitive skills and the emotional sphere, is one of the most vulnerable structures at a vascular dementia. Chronic disorders of cerebral blood circulation were modelled in rats by restriction of a blood-groove with carotid arteries ligation. The behavioral status, cognitive functions and memory, the nature of damage of neurons and level of an expression of apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) were measured. After 20-day restriction of a blood-groove on carotid arteries functional and morphological manifestations of vascular dementia were noted. Changes of the functional condition of nervous system were characterized by decreasing in safety of the main reflexes. Cognitive violations manifested decrease in approximate and research activity, also decrease in memory and ability to memorize new objects. Morphological research revealed the significant increase in specific quantity of picnotic neurons and neurons with the hyperchromatosis of cytoplasm in CA1 (р<0.005) and CA3 (р<0.05) zones of a hippocampus. combined with pericellular edema and increased expression of AIF in pyramidal neurons of CA1 and CA3 zones (р<0.001). The cognitive violations and behavioral disorders found in the functional tests in vascular dementia modeling are caused by both the reversible, and irreversible progressing damage of neurons of hyppocampal structures as it shares in formation of spatial orientation, memory and behavioral reactions. Strengthening of an expression of AIF in zones CA1 and CA3 and also increase in number of the damaged cells in these zones in model of stenosis of carotid arteries demonstrate involvement of the AIF mediated apoptosis in processes of death of neurons at chronic ischemia of a brain.
aif expression,hippocampus,neuronal changes
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