Expression Atlas update: from tissues to single cells.

Irene Papatheodorou,Pablo Moreno, Jonathan Manning,Alfonso Muñoz-Pomer Fuentes,Nancy George, Silvie Fexova,Nuno A Fonseca, Anja Füllgrabe,Matthew Green,Ni Huang, Laura Huerta,Haider Iqbal, Monica Jianu,Suhaib Mohammed,Lingyun Zhao, Andrew F Jarnuczak,Simon Jupp,John Marioni, Kerstin Meyer,Robert Petryszak,Cesar Augusto Prada Medina,Carlos Talavera-López, Sarah Teichmann,Juan Antonio Vizcaino,Alvis Brazma

Nucleic acids research(2020)

Cited 371|Views106
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Expression Atlas is EMBL-EBI's resource for gene and protein expression. It sources and compiles data on the abundance and localisation of RNA and proteins in various biological systems and contexts and provides open access to this data for the research community. With the increased availability of single cell RNA-Seq datasets in the public archives, we have now extended Expression Atlas with a new added-value service to display gene expression in single cells. Single Cell Expression Atlas was launched in 2018 and currently includes 123 single cell RNA-Seq studies from 12 species. The website can be searched by genes within or across species to reveal experiments, tissues and cell types where this gene is expressed or under which conditions it is a marker gene. Within each study, cells can be visualized using a pre-calculated t-SNE plot and can be coloured by different features or by cell clusters based on gene expression. Within each experiment, there are links to downloadable files, such as RNA quantification matrices, clustering results, reports on protocols and associated metadata, such as assigned cell types.
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