Quantitative Determination of Arsenic Species from Fruit Juices Using Acidic Extraction with HPLC-ICPMS

Kevin M. Kubachka,Sean D. Conklin, Cynthia C. Smith, Consuelo Castro

Food Analytical Methods(2019)

Cited 4|Views9
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Throughout the US Food and Drug Administration’s routine monitoring of various juice samples for elemental contaminants, a limited number of samples exhibited unexpected behavior related to the arsenic content. Juice samples were subjected to total arsenic determination and those containing arsenic > 10 μg kg −1 were subjected to arsenic speciation analysis using FDA Elemental Analysis Manual (EAM) 4.10 method (AOAC First Action Method 2016.04) to determine the concentration of iAs and other common organic arsenicals. For a subset of samples, the sum of the arsenic species was significantly less than the total arsenic value (i.e., mass balance < 65%), which is uncommon for a liquid-based matrix. Juice types that have exhibited this behavior include pomegranate, prune, and cherry juices. Causes for this issue were explored which ultimately led to an alternate sample preparation technique, extraction with 0.28 M HNO 3 along with heat, which resulted in drastically improved mass balances approaching 100%. The method proved robust, with both accurate and precise measurements for multiple juice samples analyzed by a total of four laboratories. Two laboratories performed a level 3 multilaboratory validation. This work discusses various issues that were encountered, attempts to determine the source of the problem, the eventual solution in the form of a modified extraction procedure, and the multilaboratory validation results.
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Key words
Juice,Arsenic,Speciation,Mass balance,HPLC-ICPMS
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