Characterization of reemergent anti‐B red blood cell antibodies in a patient with recurrent acute myeloid leukemia with ABO‐incompatible allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation


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BACKGROUND Isohemagglutinins against ABO antigens absent on both recipient and donor red blood cells (RBCs) increase or decrease after ABO-incompatible hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). However, few reports have described the changes in the isohemagglutinin titers and the characteristics in patients with recurrent hematologic conditions after ABO-incompatible HSCT. CASE REPORT A 59-year-old female with acute erythroid leukemia received a peripheral blood stem cell transplant from her HLA-haploidentical daughter. The patient was typed as group O with anti- A (4+) and B (4+) isohemagglutinins, while the donor was typed as group B. The bone marrow cells achieved complete donor cell chimerism on Day 13 after HSCT. On Day 120, the patient showed 97% B RBC type with persistent anti-A (3+) and without anti-B antibodies. On Day 375, her leukemia relapsed, and recipient type O RBCs and anti-B antibodies sequentially reemerged. However, clinicolaboratory hemolysis and erythroid aplasia were not detected in the patient. RESULTS The post-HSCT sera agglutinated the allo B RBCs, but not the donor B RBCs, while the pre-HSCT sera agglutinated both RBCs. The burst-forming/colony-forming units of erythroid formation from the donor peripheral blood stem cells were impaired by only the pre-HSCT sera and not by the post-HSCT sera. CONCLUSION To our knowledge, this is the first report investigating the characteristic changes of isohemagglutinins between the pre- and post-HSCT sera in a patient with recurrent acute myeloid leukemia. The present study suggests that the plasma cells producing anti-donor B RBCs in the patient have been selectively eliminated or induced into an anergic state by the post-HSCT immunologic reconstruction.
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