A pan-sharpening method based on the ADMM algorithm

Frontiers of Earth Science(2019)

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Pan-sharpening is a method of integrating low-resolution multispectral images with corresponding high-resolution panchromatic images to obtain multispectral images with high spectral and spatial resolution. A novel variational model for pan-sharpening is proposed in this paper. The model is mainly based on three hypotheses: 1) the pan-sharpened image can be linearly represented by the corresponding panchromatic image; 2) the low-resolution multispectral image is down-sampled from the highresolution multispectral image through the down-sampling operator; and 3) the satellite image has the low-rank property. Three energy components corresponding to these assumptions are integrated into a variational framework to obtain a total energy function. We adopt the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to optimize the total energy function. The experimental results show that the proposed method performs better than other mainstream methods in spectral and spatial information preserving aspect.
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Key words
pan-sharpening, multispectral image, panchromatic image, variational framework, energy function, ADMM
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