Invisible Victims: Analysis Of The Socioeducational Intervention In Children Exposed To Gender-Based Violence Within The Family


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The following paper aimed to make visible the situation of vulnerability suffered by children exposed to gender-based violence within the family. In order to do so, the consequences of such exposure were explored through a case study. In the same way, the effects of an intervention were studied. Interviews were conducted, records examined, and information was obtained from the Barcelona Childhood Index Screning questionnaire before, immediately after and three months after the intervention was completed. The purpose of such research was determining the level of experimentation and development of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms, as well as the factors that have influenced the affectation process. The sample consisted of five minors (with an average age of 8 years old; two boys and three girls) exposed to gender-based violence who attended a family and child-care service. The information was gathered from the biological mothers and the professionals that treated them in such service. The results indicated that five of the minors showed some of the symptoms associated to PTSD and, after the intervention process, there was a positive evolution of the symptoms, being reduced in the follow-up phase. Such evolution was influenced by the protective factors against risk factors. The comparison of the perception of the mothers with that of the professionals regarding the degree of affectation of the children evidenced a hi g her evaluation of such affectation by mothers due to the violence they suffered. It is therefore important to promote victim assistance and prevention projects or programmes as protective measures for minors and mothers.
Child abuse, exposure, gender-based violence, consequences, case studies
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