3d Printing on MEMS: Integration of 3d Shock Stopper on a Micro Mirror

Sebastien Lani,Olivier Chandran,Maxime Auchlin, Ivan Marozau,Barthelemy Dunan

2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII)(2019)

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We have developed a polymer-based 3D shock stopper and absorber based on micro stereolithography technology that is integrated onto a prefabricated wafer of a MEMS micro mirror used as a high-power laser steering system. The geometrical freedom and materials allowed by 3D printing combined with the developed alignment features inside the printing tool, allows high accuracy registered printing on delicate and structured substrates bringing a new way to innovate in MEMS technology. Thanks to the integration of such a printed structure, the resistance to shock of the device improved by 4 times reaching almost 1000g of shock resistance.
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MEMS,3D printing,reliability
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