Accuracy of Fetal Weight Estimation Using Hadlock II Formula

Dwi Pratika Anjarwati, Yudhistya Ngudi Insan Ksyatria,Widardo Widardo

Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology(2019)

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abstract Objective: to investigate the accuracy of estimated fetal weight using Hadlock II formula in RSUD Dr Moewardi. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at RSUD Dr Moewardi in June 2017. Subjects were women who gave birth at RSUD Dr Moewardi from August 2014 to March 2017. The method of collecting data by quoting the medical record as required. Data analysis was done by using linear regression statistic test. Result: By distribution, the number of samples that, according to the standard, is 81.67 %. With the value of R = 0.706 which means that the relationship between two research variables are strong and the value of R Square = 0.499 which means that estimated fetal weight using Hadlock II formula has contribution 49.9 % on fetal birth weight and 50.1 % others by other factors. Conclusion: Fetal weight estimation using Hadlock II formula in RSUD Dr Moewardi has low accuracy. Operator skills training is required to improve the accuracy of estimated fetal weight. Keywords: fetal birth weight, fetal weight estimation, Hadlock II abstrak Tujuan : Mengetahui keakuratan taksiran berat janin menggunakan rumus Hadlock II di RSUD Dr Moewardi. Metode : Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional analitik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di RSUD Dr Moewardi pada Juni 2017. Subjek penelitian ini adalah data rekam medis dari ibu hamil yang mengalami partus di RSUD Dr Moewardi pada Agustus 2014 – Maret 2017. Metode pengumpulan data dengan mengutip data rekam medis pasien sesuai ketentuan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji statistik regresi linier. Hasil : Secara distribusi, jumlah sampel yang memenuhi standar yaitu 81,67 %. Dengan nilai R = 0,706 yang artinya bahwa hubungan kedua variabel penelitian ada dalam kategori kuat dan nilai R Square = 0,499 yang berarti taksiran berat janin menggunakan rumus Hadlock II memiliki pengaruh kontribusi sebesar 49,9% terhadap berat bayi lahir sedangkan 50.1 % lainnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kesimpulan : Taksiran berat janin menggunakan rumus Hadlock II di RSUD Dr Moewardi kurang akurat. Perlu dilakukan pelatihan ketrampilan operator sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keakuratan taksiran berat janin. Kata kunci: berat bayi lahir , Hadlock II, , taksiran berat janin
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fetal weight estimation
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