Vaginal Delivery After Laparotomic Myomectomy During Pregnancy


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Background: Symptomatic myomas during pregnancy are a rare condition that could however turn into an emergency because of torsion, necrosis, growth and compression leading to acute abdomen, potentially threating for pregnancy. Surgeons are usually reluctant to perform myomectomy during pregnancy because of an increased uterine blood flow and volume can give rise to a potential risk for haemorrhagic complications, while uterine manipulation can determine adverse pregnancy outcome. However, in some rare cases surgery is compulsory.Case presentation: Here, we described a case of a successful laparotomic myomectomy performed during pregnancy at 11 weeks of gestation when an acute abdomen occurred. Surgery was followed by regular obstetrics follow-up ended with a spontaneous vaginal delivery with no pregnancy complications.Conclusion: Although few case reports are described in literature, other authors have performed a myomectomy during pregnancy, and fewer cases have had a subsequent vaginal delivery, so that nowadays there is no clinical evidence on which to base best practice. This case shows that vaginal delivery after a laparotomic myomectomy performed during pregnancy, in selected cases, can be considered as a feasible option.
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Key words
Myoma, myomectomy, pregnancy, vaginal delivery, uterine rupture
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