A Device for Localized Measurement of Small Particles with Electrode-Integrated Small Pores

Ieej Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines(2019)

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In this article, we propose a device with multiple small pores, which are locally integrated with individual electrodes. The application is particle measurement using Coulter's method, using the integrated local electrode on each pore. Coulter's particle counter can achieve high resolution measurement; however, the method had sensitivity and throughput tradeoff problem in reducing measurable particle size. The system can locally observe current around the pore and thereby parallel measurement becomes possible while keeping high sensitivity. The fabricated pore size were 400 nm, 1.0 µm, and 1.5 µm. Spontaneous water flow was achieved with 1.5 µm device, and current dip attributable to Coulter's principle was observed.
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Key words
small particles,localized measurement,electrode-integrated
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