Messdatenmanagementsysteme für ein integrales urbanes Wassermanagement

Ioannis Papadakis, Elke Freistühler, Celeste Saldin,Frank Großklags, Frank Pohl, Marko Siekmann


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Integrated urban water management requires the individual components of the urban water cycle to be designed and managed together. A fundamental prerequisite is the availability of appropriate measurement data to understand the behaviour of the water cycle components. Integrated Urban Water Management involves the collection of vast amounts of data, from many different sources. To achieve integration, the accumulated data must be able to be easily shared among different users. An appropriate Data Management System (MDMS) developed for the City of Bochum fulfil these purposes. A description of various inputs to MDMS, including an important explanation of metadata and its value is described, as well as possible outputs from the MDMS.
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messdatenmanagementsysteme für ein
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