Genetic Characterization Of 15 Autosomal Strs In The Interior Sindhi Population Of Pakistan And Their Phylogenetic Relationship With Other Populations


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Genetic structure of a population can be influenced by evolutionary processes and cultural histories which can alter the frequencies of different variants at particular genetic markers. These characteristics make DNA evidence suitable for forensic applications. Little relevant data are available from the interior Sindhi population; thus, in the current study, we have investigated 15 autosomal STRs in 181 unrelated individuals belonging to the interior parts of Sindh Pakistan, to establish its lineage and parameters of forensic interest. These STRs revealed a high power of discrimination (CPD), power of exclusion (CPE) and matching probability (CMP) are 0.9999999999999999968997, 0.99998612 and 3.1003 x 10(-18) respectively. The genetic distances, neighbour-joining (NJ) tree, interactivity test and principal component analysis (PCA) based on 15 autosomal STR loci showed that the interior Sindhi population had a closer genetic relationship with Pakistani populations and distant relationships with regional (India and Afghanistan) populations. The present findings exhibited that STRs included in AmpFLSTR Identifiler kit (Applied Biosystems) are genetically polymorphic in the interior Sindhi population of Pakistan. This study provides valuable population genetic data for the genetic information study, forensic human individual identification and paternity testing.
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Key words
allele frequencies, autosomal STRs, forensic, interior Sindh, Pakistan, polymorphic
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