Collaborative development of plasma physics MOOC in the context of a PhD curricular unit

André Torres, Duarte Gonçalves, Emanuel Ricardo,Ricardo Grosso Ferreira, Rui Calado,Rui Torres,Horácio Fernandes,Vasco Guerra

2019 5th Experiment International Conference ('19)(2019)

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"Outreach and teaching skills" is a curricular unit (CU) of every doctoral program at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). In the physics department it is a project oriented CU where students shall develop didactic content of any kind to support bachelor/master courses or any other learning framework. Besides conventional studies, IST has a growing offer of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), MOOC Técnico. Taking into consideration the lack of a MOOC on plasma physics at IST, the development of such course by the cohort of plasma physics students provided a consistent and integrated work within the scope of the CU. In close collaboration with the Professor responsible for the plasma physics course at IST, the students took upon themselves the task of developing scripts, storyboards and other didactic content for the online course. This contribution details the steps and procedures taken, and reports of the experience acquired by turning a doctoral CU into a collaborative effort to broaden the reach of plasma physics education.
MOOC,Teaching,Physics,Online Courses,STEM
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