Nonperturbative theory of power spectrum in complex systems

Annals of Physics(2020)

Cited 13|Views8
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The power spectrum analysis of spectral fluctuations in complex wave and quantum systems has emerged as a useful tool for studying their internal dynamics. In this paper, we formulate a nonperturbative theory of the power spectrum for complex systems whose eigenspectra – not necessarily of the random-matrix-theory (RMT) type – possess stationary level spacings. Motivated by potential applications in quantum chaology, we apply our formalism to calculate the power spectrum in a tuned circular ensemble of random N×N unitary matrices. In the limit of infinite-dimensional matrices, the exact solution produces a universal, parameter-free formula for the power spectrum, expressed in terms of a fifth Painlevé transcendent. The prediction is expected to hold universally, at not too low frequencies, for a variety of quantum systems with completely chaotic classical dynamics and broken time-reversal symmetry. On the mathematical side, our study brings forward a conjecture for a double integral identity involving a fifth Painlevé transcendent.
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Key words
Random matrix theory,Quantum chaos,Complex systems,Spectral statistics,Power spectrum
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