Transthoracic ultrasound sign in severe asthmatic patients: a lack of “gliding sign” mimic pneumothorax


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Transthoracic ultrasound (TUS) is a validate complementary technique widely used in everyday medical practice. TUS is the gold-standard for studying pleural effusion and for echo-guided thoracentesis, moreover, it is employed in detection of pleural and pulmonary lesions adherent to pleural surface and their ccho-guided percutaneous needle biopsy(PTNB). We used TUS technique to study severe asthma patients. We found that several patterns are constant in these patients. One of these patterns, i.e. lack of gliding sign, mimic pneumothorax (PNX). In this study, we attempted an echographic approach to asthma, trying to lay the first stone for the individuation of common ultrasound patterns in this disease.
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