Relação Entre Dívida e Receita Corrente Líquida na Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil / Relationship Between Debt and Net Current Revenue in the Central-West Region of Brazil

Gabriela Moreira de Souza, Juarez Marques Alves,Maria Aparecida Farias de Souza Nogueira,Rafael Martins Noriller, Rodrigo Malta Meurer

Revista FSA(2019)

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O presente artigo tem por objetivo estabelecer uma relacao entre a divida publica dos municipios da regiao centro-oeste em relacao a receita corrente liquida da referida regiao. Dessa forma, a pesquisa se caracterizou como quantitativa, da qual possui amostra de 60 municipios, em que apresentaram melhor evolucao do Indice de Endividamento, localizados na regiao Centro-Oeste brasileira. A variavel explicativa sera a evolucao da receita liquida de cada municipio do Centro-Oeste (RLC) e a variavel explicativa adotada Divida Publica municipal (DP). Para tratamento dos referidos dados e variaveis, foi utilizada estatistica descritiva e regressao simples. Dos resultados alcancados, verificou-se que por meio dos testes Breush-Pagan e o teste F (Chow) que o melhor modelo que evidenciou os resultados foi o Pooled . Com isso, conclui-se, por meio dos testes, relacao positiva e significativa a 1% da RCL com DP, corroborando entao com estudos anteriores. Palavras-chave: Divida Publica. Receita Corrente Liquida. Centro-Oeste. Administracao Publica. ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to establish a relation between the public debt of the municipalities of the central-west region in relation to the net current revenue of the same. Thus, the research was characterized as quantitative, of which it has a sample of 60 municipalities, in which they presented a better evolution of the Indebtedness Index, located in the Central West region of Brazil. The explanatory variable will be the evolution of the net revenue of each municipality of the Center-West (RLC) and the explanatory variable adopted Municipal Public Debt (DP). For the treatment of these data and variables, descriptive statistics and simple regression were used. The results obtained, it was verified that by means of the Breush-Pagan tests and the test F (Chow), that the best model that evidenced the results was Pooled. With this, we conclude by means of the tests, positive and significant relation to 1% of the CLL with PD, corroborating with previous studies. Keywords: Public debt. Net Current Revenue. Midwest. Public administration.
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