School Management and Administrative Implications of Video Education Intervention for HIV/AIDS Awareness Among School Children

Global Journal of Health Science(2019)

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OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to examine the effects of a video education intervention for HIV/AIDS awareness among school children and highlight the school management and administrative implications. METHOD: A quasi-experimental design was employed. One research question and one hypothesis were postulated for the study. The population of the study was 10,732 students and 3% sample of the population was used which is 300 students. The null hypothesis formulated at 0.05 level of significance was tested with repeated measures ANOVA. RESULTS: Results show significant increases from pretest to posttest on the level of HIV/AIDS awareness for participants in the treatment group, relative to control group participants. CONCLUSION: The video education intervention significantly increased HIV/AIDS awareness of students in the treatment group compared with those in the control group. The implication for school management and administration were highlighted. Conclusion and recommendations were made among which were that the non-governmental organization should assist in re-educating the youths on this global disease called HIV/AIDS.
video education intervention,hiv/aids awareness,school children
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