Liver Retinol Estimated By C-13-Retinol Isotope Dilution At 7 Versus 14 Days In Burkinabe Schoolchildren


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Vitamin A status assessment is not straightforward. Retinol isotope dilution (RID) testing requires time for the tracer dose to mix with the total body stores of vitamin A (TBS). Researchers are interested in shortening the time interval between tracer administration and follow-up blood draws, and in re-examining current assumptions about liver mass for calculation of total liver vitamin A reserves (TLR, in mu mol/g liver). Schoolchildren (aged 7-12 years; n = 72) were recruited from one school in Burkina Faso. After a baseline blood draw, 1.0 mu mol [14,15]-C-13(2)-retinyl acetate was administered to estimate TBS and TLR by retinol isotope dilution with follow-up blood samples at days 7 and 14. Correlations were determined to evaluate if sampling at day 7 could be used to predict TLR compared with day 14. Liver mass was estimated using body surface area and compared with the currently used assumption of liver weight equivalent to 3% of body weight. (This trial was registered at Pan African Clinical Trial Registry: PACTR201702001947398). Liver mass calculated using body surface area did not differ from the standard assumption of 3% of body weight and yielded similar TLR values. The children in this study had mean TLR (0.67 +/- 0.35 mu mol/g) in the adequate range, while serum retinol concentrations (0.92 +/- 0.33 mu mol/L) predicted 25% vitamin A deficiency. TLR values at seven days were highly correlated with, but significantly different from day 14 (P < 0.0001, r = 0.85) and needed a correction factor added to the equation to yield equivalency. Blood drawing at day 7, using correction factors in the prediction equation and the current assumption of liver mass as 3% of body weight, can be used to estimate TLR in schoolchildren with adequate vitamin A status in(13) C-2-RID applications, but further investigations are needed to verify the seven-day predictive equation. Impact statement Biomarkers of vitamin A status that reflect the gold standard, i.e. liver biopsy, are available but undergoing refinement to increase accessibility in community-based applications. Retinol isotope dilution testing is one such biomarker. Researchers are interested in decreasing the length of time between isotope administration and follow-up blood draws. This study compared a 7-day blood draw with a 14-day sample. With the simple addition of a correction factor to the prediction equation, the values for total body vitamin A stores were similar, but variation increased with increasing liver reserves. The assumption of 3% of body weight as liver weight in school-aged children was also investigated and confirmed as appropriate in the calculation for total liver vitamin A reserves. Simplifying isotope dilution for population evaluation and building capacity for mass spectrometry analyses are important areas of nutrition development to inform public health programs.
Burkina Faso, liver mass, retinol enrichment, stable isotope, total body vitamin A stores, total liver vitamin A reserves
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