How do Developers Talk about GitHub Actions? Evidence from Online Software Development Community.

International Conference on Software Engineering(2024)

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Continuous integration, deployment and delivery (CI/CD) have become cornerstones of DevOps practices. In recent years, GitHub Action (GHA) has rapidly replaced the traditional CI/CD tools on GitHub, providing efficiently automated workflows for developers. With the widespread use and influence of GHA, it is critical to understand the existing problems that GHA developers face in their practices as well as the potential solutions to these problems. Unfortunately, we currently have relatively little knowledge in this area. To fill this gap, we conduct a large-scale empirical study of 6,590 Stack Overflow (SO) questions and 315 GitHub issues. Our study leads to the first comprehensive taxonomy of problems related to GHA, covering 4 categories and 16 sub-categories. Then, we analyze the popularity and difficulty of problem categories and their correlations. Further, we summarize 56 solution strategies for different GHA problems. We also distill practical implications of our findings from the perspective of different audiences. We believe that our study contributes to the research of emerging GHA practices and guides the future support of tools and technologies.
GitHub Actions,Empirical Study,Stack Overflow
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