Czy zwyczajowy sposób żywienia pacjentów z rozpoznaniem schizofrenii wymaga suplementacji witaminami i składnikami mineralnymi?


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Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the supply of selected vitamins and minerals in the daily food rations of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. Methods. 62 schizophrenia patients (32 women and 30 men aged 21-64, the mean age of women was 41.3 +/- 11.2, the mean age of men was 36.1 +/- 9.7) took part in the study. A 24-hour diet recall from 3 weekdays and 1 weekend day was used for quantitative assessment of the diet. Results. In the conducted research, it was shown that, despite ensuring the average supply of energy required for a given age and sex group, the food rations of patients of both sexes were characterized by a deficiency of vitamin D, folates, potassium, calcium, and also vitamins E and C, magnesium in men as well as iron and iodine in women. Excessive amounts of vitamins B2, B6, sodium, and phosphorus were found in food rations of persons of both sexes and vitamins A, B1, niacin in food rations of women and also vitamin B12 in food rations of men. Conclusions. No supplementation of schizophrenia patients' diet is reconunended; it is only justified in individual cases of patients in whom vitamin and mineral deficiencies were found on the basis of analysis of their food habits. However, it is necessary to provide each schizophrenia patient with appropriate food education that will allow them to choose products that contain all nutrients needed for proper functioning of the body, including the central nervous system.
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