Robust autofocusing method for multi-wavelength lensless imaging.


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Lensless imaging based on multi-wavelength phase retrieval becomes a promising technology widely used as it has simple acquisition, miniaturized size and low-cost setup. However, measuring the sample-to-sensor distance with high accuracy, which is the key for high-resolution reconstruction, is still a challenge. In this work, we propose a multiwavelength criterion to realize autofocusing modulation, i.e., achieving much higher accuracy in determining the sample-to-sensor distance, compared to the conventional methods. Three beams in different spectrums are adopted to illuminate the sample, and the resulting holograms are recorded by a CCD camera. The patterns calculated by performing back propagation of the recorded holograms, with exhaustively searched sample-to-sensor distance value, are adopted to access the criterion. Image sharpness can be accessed and the optimal sample-to-sensor distance can be finely determined by targeting the valley of the curve given by the criterion. Through our novel multi-wavelength based autofocusing strategy and executing further phase retrieval process, high-resolution images can be finally retrieved. The applicability and robustness of our method is validated both in simulations and experiments. Our technique provides a useful tool for multi-wavelength lensless imaging under limited experimental conditions. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
robust autofocusing method,imaging,multi-wavelength
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