Cyberspace Security and U.S.-China Relations

Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science(2019)

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Cyberspace security factors have become an important variable in Sino-US relations. China and the United States have experienced the 3 stages of development in the field of network security: Mutual benefit and win-win stage (1994-1999), The Sino-US network relationship is roughly balanced. (1999-2010), The frequent occurrence of network security issues (2010-present). The conflicts and limited cooperation are intertwined with each other in China and the United States cyberspace security relations. The cyberspace security issues in Sino-US bilateral relations are mainly reflected in the differences in Sino-US network sovereignty, cyber-hackers, cyber-espionage, and the United States' restrictions on trade with China on the grounds of cyberspace security. Maintaining and developing an open, stable and secure cyberspace is in the common interest of China and the United States. China should actively promote the integration of the two countries' cyberspace security concepts, interests and policies. On the one hand, it should promote consensus and establish mechanisms. On the other hand, the two sides should restrict cyber-attacks and network intelligence activities involving the other side to jointly respond to cyber threats; and promote pragmatic cooperation in the field of cyberspace security with a win-win concept.
Cyber espionage,Cyberspace Security,U.S.-China Relations,cyberspace hacking
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