Development of a cell-based in vitro assay as a possible alternative for determining bothropic antivenom potency.


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Accidents with venomous snakes are a major health hazard in tropical countries. Bothrops genus is responsible for almost 80% of snakebites in Brazil. Immunotherapy is the only approved specific treatment against snake toxins and the production of therapeutic antivenoms requires quality control tests to determine their neutralizing potency. Currently, these controls are performed by in vivo lethality neutralization, however, the inhibition of particular events produced by bothropic venoms such as coagulopathy, hemorrhage, edema or cytotoxic effects are also required. The aim of this work is to develop an in vitro alternative assay for antivenom pre-clinical evaluation. In this sense, we designed a cell viability assay using different amounts (0.2–10 μL/well) of low and high potency anti-bothropic sera, previously classified by the traditional in vivo test, for assessing the antivenom capacity to protect the cells against B. jararaca venom cytotoxicity (5xEC50 = 58.95 μg/mL). We found that high potency sera are more effective in neutralizing B. jararaca venom cytotoxicity when compared to low potency sera, which is in accordance to their pre-determined in vivo potency. Considering sera in vitro inhibitory concentration able to prevent 50% cell death (IC50) and their known in vivo potency, a cut-off point was determined to discriminate low and high potency sera. Our data provide insights for the development of an in vitro method which can determine the anti-bothropic antivenom potency during its production.
Bothrops snake venom,Antivenoms,In vitro assay,Cell viability,Neutralizing potency
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