ARIA: interactive damage prediction system for urban flood using simulation and emulation federation platform

Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers(2019)

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This demonstration shows an interactive urban flood damage prediction system "ARIA" that simulates urban flood, the sufferer, and network failure in an integrated manner. In terms of disaster mitigation, it is important to confirm an affected area and issue an evacuation advisory. ARIA predicts flood damages - the number of sufferers or the locations of flooded roads - and figures out the suitable timing of an evacuation advisory while incorporating actual measurement values like precipitation, river water level and person flow data observed during flood occurrence using data assimilation method. We propose flood damage prediction system, which cooperates conventional proprietary simulators for flood/evacuation/network damage analysis using simulation and emulation federation platform "Smithsonian". ARIA aims to accurately simulate actual disaster phenomena to consider how flood damages affect evacuation behavior based on the mutual impact of road condition and network damage caused by floods.
data assimilation, disaster prediction, simulation
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