The Summertime Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation Derived from IMERG.


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The Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) precipitation product derived from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) constellation offers a unique opportunity of observing the diurnal cycle of precipitation in the latitudinal band 60 degrees N-S at unprecedented 0.1 degrees x0.1 degrees and half-hour resolution. The diurnal cycles of occurrence, intensity and accumulation are determined using four years of data at 2 degrees x2 degrees resolution; this study focusses on summertime months when the diurnal cycle shows stronger features. Harmonics are fitted to the diurnal cycle using a non-linear least squares method weighted by random errors. Results suggest that mean-to-peak amplitudes for the diurnal cycles of occurrence and accumulation are greater over land (generally larger than 25% of the diurnal mean), where the diurnal harmonic dominates and peaks at similar to 16-24 LST, than over ocean (generally smaller than 25%), where the diurnal and semi-diurnal harmonics contribute comparably. Over ocean, the diurnal harmonic peaks at similar to 0-10 LST (similar to 8-15 LST) over open waters (coastal waters). For intensity, amplitudes of the diurnal and semi-diurnal harmonics are generally comparable everywhere (similar to 15-35%) with the diurnal harmonic peaking at similar to 20-4 LST (similar to 3-12 LST) over land (ocean), and the semi-diurnal harmonic maximises at similar to 5-8 LST and 17-20 LST. The diurnal cycle of accumulation is dictated by occurrence as opposed to intensity.
diurnal cycle,satellite precipitation,IMERG,global,summertime
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