Displaced Salter-Harris I Fracture Of The Distal Ulna Physis


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A 10-year-old girl presented to the emergency department having sustained a fall onto an outstretched left hand while playing soccer. Clinical and radiographical assessment identified a Salter-Harris I distal ulna fracture, as well as a buckle fracture of the distal radius. The injury was closed, and she had no neurovascular deficits on examination. She was brought to the operating theatre the following morning for closed reduction under general anaesthesia. Image intensification was used to confirm anatomical reduction, and an above-elbow moulded plaster-of-paris cast was applied. Follow-up clinical assessment at 6 weeks confirmed healing of the fracture, and she proceeded to make a full recovery. This case describes the anatomy and physiology of such rare injuries and outlines treatment principles and potential pitfalls based on best available evidence.
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orthopaedic and trauma surgery, radiology, orthopaedics, paediatrics
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