Integrated assessment of sediment quality in a coastal lagoon (Maluan Bay, China) based on AVS-SEM and multivariate statistical analysis.

Marine Pollution Bulletin(2019)

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Total metal concentrations and acid-volatile sulfide (AVS) measurements coupled with simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) were determined in heterogeneous sediments from Maluan Bay, China. Zn was the predominant component of SEM, while Cd was the least. In sediment cores, AVS increased with sediment depth, followed by a decrease with large variation, while SEM fluctuated. Multiple empirical sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) and equilibrium partitioning (EqP) approaches were applied to assess the contamination degree, sediment quality and potential risks associated with bioavailable metals, indicating that not all sediments with [SEM]-[AVS] > 0 were capable of causing toxicity because TOC is also an important metal-binding phase. In order to screen out the physicochemical variability and the complexity and large variance of datasets, multivariate statistical techniques were utilized to comprehensively reveal pollution status by visualized factor scores. Collectively, this study favors the integrative utilization of multifarious methods to scientifically diagnose the pollution characterization for sustainable coastal management.
Empirical SQGs,AVS,SEM,Sediment quality,Risk gradients,PCA-factor analysis
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