Automatic Leg Regeneration For Robot Mobility Recovery


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Automatic repair of mechanical structures would enable a robot to recover or improve functions after physical damage. Little work exists on real-world execution of automatic repair in robotic systems. State-of-the-art takes a modular approach where the robotic system is modular and a replacement module is available. However, the modular approach suffers from low granularity in repair even with tens of motors. In addition, there is a lack of quantitative evaluation of the effect of automatic repair on robot functionality. Here we propose a cooperative method for automatic repair in a robotic system. Our method is regeneration-based rather than module-based and does not assume availability of a replacement part. It integrates a fabrication process on the fly for robot structure regeneration. With a system that consists of a regenerating robot, a legged robot and a pre-engineered ribbon, we demonstrate end-to-end execution of automated repair of the legged robot's leg by the regenerating robot in 335 seconds. Experiments on repeatability show a 100% success rate for sub-processes such as positioning, leg fabrication, and legged robot disengagement and a 90% success rate for leg detachment. We quantify the effect of leg regeneration on mobility recovery and found a 90% recovery of forward speed, a 19.7% increase of peak power and a 9.3% reduction of cost of transport with a regenerated leg.
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Key words
automatic leg regeneration,robot mobility recovery,automatic repair,robotic system,modular approach,robot functionality,robot structure regeneration,leg fabrication,mechanical structures,regeneration-based approach,legged robot disengagement
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