Differentiating between Alzheimer's disease, amnestic mild cognitive impairment, and normal aging via diffusion kurtosis imaging.


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Diffusion kurtosis imaging can be used to assess pathophysiological changes in tissue structure and to diagnose central nervous system diseases. However, its sensitivity in assessing hippocampal differences between patients with Alzheimer's disease and those with amnestic mild cognitive impairment has not been characterized. Here, we examined 20 individuals with Alzheimer's disease (11 men and 9 women, mean 73.2 +/- 4.49 years), 20 with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (10 men and 10 women, mean 71.55 +/- 4.77 years), and 20 normal controls (11 men and 9 women, mean 70.45 +/- 5.04 years). We conducted diffusion kurtosis imaging, using a 3.0 T magnetic resonance scanner, to compare hippocampal differences among the three groups. The results demonstrated that the right hippocampal volume and bilateral mean kurtosis were remarkably smaller in individuals with Alzheimer's disease compared with those with amnestic mild cognitive impairment and normal controls. Further, the mean kurtosis was lower in the amnestic mild cognitive impairment group compared with the normal control group. The mean diffusion in the left hippocampus was lower in the Alzheimer's disease group than in the amnestic mild cognitive impairment and normal control groups, while the mean diffusion in the right hippocampus was lower in the Alzheimer's disease group than in the normal control group. Fractional anisotropy was similar among the three groups. These results verify that bilateral mean kurtosis and mean diffusion are sensitive to the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment.
nerve regeneration,magnetic resonance imaging,diffusion kurtosis imaging,hippocampus,amnestic mild cognitive impairment,Alzheimer's disease,mean kurtosis,mean diffusion,fractional anisotropy,neural regeneration
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