Pre-vaccination screening strategies for the use of the CYD-TDV dengue vaccine: A meeting report.

A Wilder-Smith,P G Smith,R Luo,C Kelly-Cirino, D Curry,H Larson,A Durbin, M Chu, P Tharmaphornpilas, L C Ng,A M C Sartori,E J A Luna,D J Gubler,G España,I K Yoon,S Flasche


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The first licensed dengue vaccine, CYD-TDV (Dengvaxia) is efficacious in seropositive individuals, but increases the risk for severe dengue in seronegative persons about two years after administration of the first dose. For countries considering the introduction of Dengvaxia, WHO recommends a pre-vaccination screening strategy whereby only persons with evidence of a past dengue infection would be vaccinated. Policy-makers need to consider the risk-benefit of vaccination strategies based on such screening tests, the optimal age to introduce the vaccine, communication and implementation strategies. To address these questions, the Global Dengue and Aedes-transmitted diseases Consortium (GDAC) organized a 3-day workshop in January 2019 with country representatives from Asia and Latin America.
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Key words
WHO,Rapid diagnostic tests,Dengue,Vaccine hesitancy,Communication,Ethics,Brazil,Philippines,National vaccination programmes
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