MIN: Co-Governing Multi-Identifier Network Architecture and Its Prototype on Operator’s Network


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IP protocol is the core of TCP/IP network layer. However, since IP address and its Domain Name are allocated and managed by a single agency, there are risks of centralization. The semantic overload of IP address also reduces its scalability and mobility, which further hinders the security. This paper proposes a co-governing Multi-Identifier Network (MIN) architecture that constructs a network layer with parallel coexistence of multiple identifiers, including identity, content, geographic information, and IP address. On the management plane, we develop an efficient management system using consortium blockchain with voting consensus, so the network can simultaneously manage and support by hundreds or thousands of nodes with high throughput. On the data plane, we propose an algorithm merging hash table and prefix tree (HTP) for FIB, which avoids the false-negative error and can inter-translate different identifiers with tens of billions of entries. Further, we propose a scheme to transport IP packets using CCN as a tunnel for supporting progressive deployment. We deployed the prototype of MIN to the largest operators' network in Mainland China, Hongkong and Macao, and demonstrated that the network can register identifier under co-governing consensus algorithm, support VoD service very well.
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Future network architecture,consortium blockchain,HTP-FIB,APoV,MIN,MIS,MIR
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