[Differential diagnosis and minimally invasive surgery of an antenatal adrenal mass].

Montserrat Lemus Marcenaro, José Manuel Campos Varas, José Fernando Vuletin Solís,Sergio González Bombardiere,Juan Carlos Pattillo Silva


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Introduction: Adrenal masses are uncommon in newborns. The differential diagnosis includes benign masses (adrenal hemorrhage, extralobar pulmonary sequestration) and malignant ones (neuroblastoma) that may be a finding during an obstetric ultrasound. The use of complementary imaging methods allows a better diagnosis approach during the postnatal period, with implications for the management of these patients. Objective: To report the case of a female newborn with diagnosis of an adrenal mass, and to discuss differential diagnoses and management alternatives of adrenal lesions in newborns. Case report: Two-month-old female infant, referred for adrenal tumor study diagnosed at 22 weeks gestational age. Postnatal ultrasound showed a tumor compatible with neuroblastoma. The patient was asymptomatic, and the laboratory studies showed no relevant findings. The lesion was excised by laparoscopy. A histological study confirmed pulmonary sequestration. Conclusions: Extralobar pulmonary sequestration should be considered in the differential diagnosis of an adrenal mass in the newborn. Minimally invasive surgery should be the preferred surgical technique choice in these cases, given the technical feasibility and benefits in the recovery and cosmetic issues of the patient.
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Key words
neuroblastoma,adrenal tumor,extralobar pulmonary sequestration,children
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