Etiology and Outcome of non-immune Hydrops Fetalis in Southern China: report of 1004 cases


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Non-immune hydrops fetalis (NIHF) is a complex condition with a high mortality and morbidity rate. Here we report the etiology and outcome of 1004 fetuses with NIHF, in a large single Maternal and Children’s hospital of Southern China, since the year of 2009 to 2016. Among these 1004 fetuses with NIHF, the etiology was identified prenatally in 722 of them (72%). The most common ones were hematologic diseases and chromosomal abnormalities. There were eight spontaneous abortions, 18 intrauterine fetal demise, 672 pregnancy terminations and 87 were lost to follow-up. 219 of the 1004 fetuses were live-born and the overall survival rate was 21.8% at this point. After birth 16 perinatal or early neonatal deaths were encountered and five lost to follow-up. Of the remaining 198 newborns, 153 thrived without apparent morbidity. The most significant factors associated with mortality were prematurity and low birthweight. In conclusion, we described the largest report of underlying causes and outcome of NIHF in Southern China. Etiologies were identified for 72% of 1004 fetuses with NIHF. And two poor prognostic factors for survival are preterm birth at less than 36.5 weeks and birthweight lower than 2575 g respectively.
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Endocrine system and metabolic diseases,Epidemiology,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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