Technology-Enhanced Training System for Reducing Separation Anxiety in Dogs.

Carlos Arce-Lopera,Javier Díaz-Cely, Paula García, María Morales

HCI (35)(2019)

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Separation anxiety in dogs is a common condition that is manifested by destructive behavior when dogs are left alone. The most successful treatment for canine separation-related problems requires dog’s behavior modification via a time consuming training. Moreover, this type of training needs a high commitment from the dog’s owner. Here, a canine wearable interface connected to a mobile application was designed to monitor and guide a training program aiming at behavior modification in dogs. The objective was to design a system that enhances user engagement while monitoring dog’s biometrical signals. Preliminary testing of the system revealed significant behavior changes. Significant decrease in dog’s overall destructive behavior was recorded. Specifically, when using the technology-enhanced vest, dogs were quieter and reduced their anxious movements. These preliminary results support the idea that technology-enhanced training is a feasible alternative to motivate and guide owners to implement separation training with their dogs.
Wearable,Separation anxiety,Dog training
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