Near-Resonant Light Scattering by a Subwavelength Ensemble of Identical Atoms.


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We study theoretically the scattering of light by an ensemble of N resonant atoms in a subwavelength volume. We consider the low intensity regime so that each atom responds linearly to the field. While N noninteracting atoms would scatter N^{2} more than a single atom, we find that N interacting atoms scatter less than a single atom near resonance. In addition, the scattered power presents strong fluctuations, either from one realization to another or when varying the excitation frequency. We analyze this counterintuitive behavior in terms of collective modes resulting from the light-induced dipole-dipole interactions. We find that for small samples and sufficiently large atom number, their properties are governed only by their volume.
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Dipole Interactions,Atomic Ensembles,Slow Light
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