Vascular Protection and Decongestion Without Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Stimulation Mediated by a Novel Dual-Acting Vasopressin V1a/V2 Receptor Antagonist.


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Increased plasma vasopressin levels have been shown to be associated with the progression of congestive heart failure. Vasopressin mediates water retention by renal tubular V2 receptor activation as well as vasoconstriction, cardiac hypertrophy, and fibrosis through V1a receptor activation. Therefore, we developed a novel, dual-acting vasopressin receptor antagonist, BAY 1753011, with almost identical Ki-values of 0.5 nM at the human V1a receptor and 0.6 nM at the human V2 receptor as determined in radioactive binding assays. Renal V2 antagonism by BAY 1753011 was compared with the loop diuretic furosemide in acute diuresis experiments in conscious rats. Similar diuretic efficacy was found with 300-mg/kg furosemide (maximal diuretic response) and 0.1-mg/kg BAY 1753011. Furosemide dose-dependently induced plasma renin and angiotensin I levels, while an equiefficient diuretic BAY 1753011 dose did not activate the renin-angiotensin system. BAY 1753011 dose-dependently decreased the vasopressin-induced expression of the profibrotic/hypertrophic marker plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and osteopontin in rat cardiomyocytes, while the selective V2 antagonist satavaptan was without any effect. The combined vascular V1a-mediated and renal V2-mediated properties as well as the antihypertrophic/antifibrotic activity enable BAY 1753011 to become a viable treatment option for oral chronic treatment of congestive heart failure.
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congestive heart failure,vasopressin,V2 receptor,V1a receptor,diuretics
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