Implementation and performance of Barnes-hut n-body algorithm on extreme-scale heterogeneous many-core architectures


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AbstractIn this paper, we report the implementation and measured performance of our extreme-scale whole planetary ring simulation code on Sunway TaihuLight and two PEZY-SC2 systems: Shoubu System B and Gyoukou. The numerical algorithm is the parallel Barnes-Hut tree algorithm, which has been used in many large-scale astrophysical particle-based simulations. Our implementation is based on our FDPS framework. However, the extremely large numbers of cores of the systems used (10 M on TaihuLight and 16 M on Gyoukou) and their relatively poor memory and network bandwidth pose new challenges. We describe the new algorithms introduced to achieve high efficiency on machines with low memory bandwidth. The measured performance is 47.9, 10.6 PF, and 1.01PF on TaihuLight, Gyoukou and Shoubu System B (efficiency 40%, 23.5% and 35.5%). The current code is developed for the simulation of planetary rings, but most of the new algorithms are useful for other simulations, and are now available in the FDPS framework.
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HPC, N-dody simulation, planetary ring, heterogeneous many-core architecture, Sunway TaihuLight, PEZY-SC
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