Doping evolution of the charge excitations and electron correlations in electron-doped superconducting La 2− x Ce x CuO 4


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Electron correlations play a dominant role in the charge dynamics of the cuprates. We use resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) to track the doping dependence of the collective charge excitations in electron doped La _2-x Ce _x CuO _4 (LCCO). From the resonant energy dependence and the out-of-plane momentum dependence, the charge excitations are identified as three-dimensional (3D) plasmons, which reflect the nature of the electronic structure and Coulomb repulsion on both short and long lengthscales. With increasing electron doping, the plasmon excitations increase monotonically in energy, a consequence of the electron correlation effect on electron structure near the Fermi surface (FS). Importantly, the plasmon excitations evolve from a broad feature into a well-defined peak with much increased life time, revealing the evolution of the electrons from incoherent states to coherent quasi-particles near the FS. Such evolution marks the reduction of the short-range electronic correlation, and thus the softening of the Mottness of the system with increasing electron doping.
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Superconducting properties and materials,Surfaces,interfaces and thin films,Physics,general,Condensed Matter Physics,Structural Materials,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films,Quantum Physics
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