Single molecule dynamics of Dishevelled at the plasma membrane and Wnt pathway activation


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Dvl (Dishevelled) is one of several essential non-enzymatic components of the Wnt signaling pathway. In most current models, Dvl forms complexes with Wnt ligand receptors, Fzd and LRP5/6 at the plasma membrane, which then recruits other components of the destruction complex leading to inactivation of β-catenin degradation. Although this model is widespread, direct evidence for this process is lacking. In this study, we tagged mEGFP to C-terminus of gene using CRISPR/Cas9 induced homologous recombination and observed its dynamics directly at the single molecule level with Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. We focused on two questions: 1) What is the native size and the dynamic features of membrane-associated Dvl complexes during Wnt pathway activation? 2) What controls the behavior of these complexes? We found that membrane bound Dvl2 is predominantly monomer in the absent of Wnt (mean size 1.10). Wnt3a stimulation leads to an increase in the total concentration of membrane-bound Dvl2 from 0.08/μm to 0.34/μm. Wnt3a also leads to increased oligomerization which raises the weighted averaged mean size of Dvl2 complexes to 1.4; with 65% of Dvl still as monomers. The driving force for Dvl2 oligomerization is the increased concentration of Dvl2 at the membrane caused by increased affinity of Dvl2 for Fzd, the Dvl2 and Fzd binding is independent of LRP5/6. The oligomerized Dvl2 complexes have greatly increased dwell time, 2~3 minutes compared to less than 1 second for monomeric Dvl2. These properties make Dvl a unique scaffold dynamically changing its state of assembly and stability at the membrane in response to Wnt ligands.
Wnt Signaling Pathway,Disheveled,Single Molecule,Protein Complex Size,Fluorescence,TIRF (Total Intensity Reflection Fluorescence),Kinetic Models of complex assembly
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