Patients as co-designers of the STARR system prototype

Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare(2019)

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Background: Stroke is the leading cause of severe disability. Modifiable risk factor management is crucial. Effective learning tools to cope with common problems and support active recovery as a standard remain elusive. Health apps are growing and opening opportunities. Listening carefully to patients can help to find gaps that matter. We propose a "Decision SupporT and Self-Management System for StRoke SurvivoRs" (STARR) for self-management and reduction of recurrent stroke. Objective: To analyse a prototype app on patients' real life incorporating quality criteria in the final pilot acting patients as co-designers. Methods: Action based study using focus groups. First, detect unmet needs to focus the design on. Next, check the app feasibility with quantitative and qualitative measures. A bioengineer was involved with the patients to offer support with the devices and STARR app. Finally, research on STARR Project is carried out in randomized clinical trial. Results: Based on 5 patients, detailed technical and non-technical incidences, a list of quality criteria for eHealth app was stablished concerning trust, accessibility, connectivity, safety and functionalities. Conclusions: Built on design, end users experiences are important in the development of effective eHealth interventions. Stroke patients have specific needs. It is important to create a system matching unmet needs, expectations and technology. Prototype feasibility studies in real world situations are important.
Stroke survivor, codesign, eHealth app, prototype, self-management
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