[Efficacy, tolerability and safety of the treatment with teberif: the results of a 2-year randomized clinical trial of treatment naïve patients with remitting multiple sclerosis, who have not received DMT, after switching from other interferon β-1a].

A N Boyko, L P Bosenko, V V Vasilovskiy,L I Volkova,M N Zakharova,S V Kotov, E V Lekomtseva, T I Negrich, E V Parshina, O P Patrusheva,S V Prokopenko,D V Sazonov, L V Timchenko,Yu V Trinitatskiy,F A Khabirov, M Ya Khavunka, L V Chichanovskaya, M A Sherman,R A Ivanov,Yu N Lin'kova, E Yu Stukalina,A V Zinkina-Orikhan, I G Obukhova

Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova(2019)

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The analysis of multiple evaluation parameters of the efficiency during the 1st study period (blinded) and the 2 study period (open-label) has shown that teberif and rebif demonstrate equivalent efficacy and stable 2-year efficacy of teberif was proven. There were no significant differences between teberif and rebif for all safety, and tolerability parameters. Switching from rebif to teberif didn't influence treatment efficacy. The 2-year study results confirmed a biosimilar teberif's benign tolerability and expected safety profile to other interferons β-1a in patients with RMS.
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Key words
BCD-033,biosimilar,interferon β-1a,remitting multiple sclerosis,teberif
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