The enhanced electric field tunability of the microwave magnetoelectric effect in the YIG/Terfenol-D/PZT structure and its application

Physica B: Condensed Matter(2019)

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A trilayer magnetoelectric (ME) YIG/Terfenol-D/PZT structure (YTP) with a high ME coefficient is proposed. The enhanced ME effect of YTP comes mainly from the exchange coupling action in YIG/Terfenol-D bilayers (YT) and the ME effect in Terfenol-D/PZT bilayers (TP). The multi-physics coupling action among electric field, magnetic field and mechanical stress field is a novel way to enhance the ME effect of YTP. The exchange coupling action of YT is analyzed by the minimum free energy principle, and the relationship between the magnetization M1 of the YIG layer and the M2 of the Terfenol-D layer is obtained. The prominent ME effect was achieved in YTP, and the magnetization angle of the YIG layer rotated 40°·cm/kV. In an YTP microstrip filter, the exchange coupled effective field Hex and the stress effective field Hσ affect the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) frequency shift Δω, which can reach 300 MHz · cm/kV at an electric field of 8 kV/cm and a bias magnetic field of 1700 Oe. The excellent electric tunability of YTP makes it a promising candidate of the electric and magnetic field dual-tunable microstrip filter.
Microwave magnetoelectric effect,Ferromagnetic resonance,Exchange coupling,Layered structure
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