Agronomic biofortification of major cereals with zinc and iron- A review

Agricultural Reviews(2019)

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Humans around the world suffer from micronutrient deficiency due to an inadequate intake of essential micronutrients in the daily diet. Agronomic biofortification offers the easiest and the quickest way for biofortification of cereal grains with zinc, iron or other micro mineral nutrients in developing countries especially Asia and Africa, where cereals form the staples. It is the only approach to reach the poorest of the poor rural masses, who can’t afford to buy mineral supplements nor can afford animal by-products. From the agronomic biofortification viewpoint, foliar application is better and requires lesser amount of zinc and iron fertilizers than their soil application. Even when cultivars or GM crops with higher zinc and iron content in grains are developed, adequate zinc and iron fertilization will be necessary. Thus, for the long term, agronomic biofortification is a complimentary approach to plant breeding as well as modern biotechnology for increased micronutrients in the food basket.
agronomic biofortification,zinc,major cereals
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