Postnatal intervention for the treatment of FNAIT: a systematic review


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Objective Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia ( FNAIT) is associated with life-threatening bleeding. This systematic review of postnatal management of FNAIT examined transfusion of human platelet antigen (HPA) selected or unselected platelets, and/or IVIg on platelet increments, hemorrhage and mortality. Study design MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane searches were conducted until 11 May 2018. Result Of 754 neonates, 382 received platelet transfusions (51%). HPA-selected platelets resulted in higher platelet increments and longer response times than HPA-unselected platelets. However, unselected platelets generally led to sufficient platelet increments to 30 × 10 9 /L, a level above which intracranial hemorrhage or other life-threatening bleeding rarely occurred. Platelet increments were not improved with the addition of IVIg to platelet transfusion. Conclusion Overall, HPA-selected platelet transfusions were more effective than HPA-unselected platelets but unselected platelets were often effective enough to achieve clinical goals. Available studies do not clearly demonstrate a benefit for addition of IVIg to platelet transfusion.
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Haematological diseases,Paediatrics,Medicine/Public Health,general,Pediatrics,Pediatric Surgery
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