Co-saliency Detection with Graph Matching

ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology(2019)

引用 11|浏览68
Recently, co-saliency detection, which aims to automatically discover common and salient objects appeared in several relevant images, has attracted increased interest in the computer vision community. In this article, we present a novel graph-matching based model for co-saliency detection in image pairs. A solution of graph matching is proposed to integrate the visual appearance, saliency coherence, and spatial structural continuity for detecting co-saliency collaboratively. Since the saliency and the visual similarity have been seamlessly integrated, such a joint inference schema is able to produce more accurate and reliable results. More concretely, the proposed model first computes the intra-saliency for each image by aggregating multiple saliency cues. The common and salient regions across multiple images are thus discovered via a graph matching procedure. Then, a graph reconstruction scheme is proposed to refine the intra-saliency iteratively. Compared to existing co-saliency detection methods that only utilize visual appearance cues, our proposed model can effectively exploit both visual appearance and structure information to better guide co-saliency detection. Extensive experiments on several challenging image pair databases demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art baselines significantly.
Co-saliency detection, Computer vision, graph matching model, graph reconstruction, image understanding
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