Impact of the sleep apnea management group clinic on positive airway pressure adherence


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Background Positive airway pressure (PAP) adherence is critical for managing obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We postulate that group-based Sleep Apnea Management (SAM) clinic, which harnesses the benefits of providing mutual support as well as facilitates access to system-based resources and education, will confer improvements in PAP adherence. Methods Data from SAM clinic attendees from January 2017 to June 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. Adherence data at SAM baseline visit and 1-3 months follow-up were collected. Average PAP usage from all-days and days used were analyzed along with demographics, co-morbidities, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Adherence was defined as > 4 hours a night for ≥70% of nights over a 30-day period. Key structural elements of the SAM group clinic model were co-presence of the OSA care team members and peer group support. Key efficiency elements were group education and the prompt-to-patient multidisciplinary troubleshooting adherence barriers. Results Of 110 SAM clinic attendees, average age was 60.9±12.7 years, 53% were men, and 46% Caucasian. At baseline, the mean for average-all-days usage was 4.2 hours, mean average-days-used usage was 5.2 hours, and mean percentage-of-days usage ≥4 hours was 57%. At follow-up, the mean average-all-days usage increased 1.2 hours ( p <0.001), mean average-days-used usage increased 0.8 hours ( p <0.001), and the mean percentage-of-days with usage ≥4 hours increased 16% ( p <0.001). At baseline, 46% of patients met criteria for adherence, which increased to 66% at follow-up. Conclusion In this study, after the SAM clinic, all PAP adherence parameters improved significantly. This observational study serves as a proof of concept study for future trials pertaining to group clinic in managing PAP adherence in OSA.
Positive airway pressure, Obstructive sleep apnea, Group clinic, Adherence
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