Immune-Related skin adverse events treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine formula “Zhiyang Pingfu Lotion” and western medicine: a case report

Advances in integrative medicine(2019)

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The sexual physical act is related to sexual attraction, sexual fantasy and sexual behaviour. Fetish has been recognised as an attraction to objects with the aim of achieving sexual gratification. There have been historical accounts of fetishism, and the subject has been of significant interest to clinicians especially those who work in the field of managing mental illnesses. There are various types of fetishism. Reported for the first time in the 19th century, the condition is of various subtypes. Of these, fetishistic disorder can be recognised as sexual fantasies, sexual urges and sexual behaviours which cause significant distress or impairment in an individual in social, occupational or other important areas of function. Fetishism may be related to specific body parts, non-living objects or others. In clinical settings, patients with fetishistic disorders are often referred because of having got into trouble with the law. Fetishism needs to be differentiated from paraphilias. Various explanations including psychoanalysis and behavioural theories have been offered to explain the genesis and management of fetishistic disorders. A fetish is attraction to an object. Treatments can include behavioural, cognitive or psychoanalytic strategies. In this review article, a brief overview on the fetish is offered with suggestions for management.
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Key words
zhiyang pingfu lotion”,traditional chinese medicine formula,skin,western medicine,immune-related
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