Implementing strategic environmental assessment in countries of the global South – An analysis within the Peruvian context

Juliane Biehl,Johann Köppel,Verena Rodorff, María Elena Huesca Pérez, Annegret Zimmermann,Gesa Geißler,Anke Rehhausen

Environmental Impact Assessment Review(2019)

引用 19|浏览7
Recently, the SEA research community has started to pay attention to countries of the Global South. Yet, the international literature has rarely explored Latin American Environmental Assessment (EA) systems in contrast to EA systems in countries of the Global North. This article aims at analysing the Peruvian Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) system. Research was conducted in 2015 as part of the project ‘ProAmbiente’ initiated by the German-Peruvian development co-operation (APCI and GIZ) with the objective to analyse and strengthen the SEA practice in Peru. A combination of methods was used for meta- and micro-level analyses, characterising both the intended SEA system and practical performance. Ultimately, the analysis of the SEA implementation was based on a review of state-of-the-art international literature and led to the formulation of a set of recommendations. Recommendations have been clustered in nine priority areas and were assigned an implementation horizon from mid- to long-term.
Strategic environmental assessment,SWOT analysis,Constellation analysis,Implementation status,Global south,Latin America,Peru
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